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This tutorial is
made with PSP X7 ***** Materials here: Thank you for letting me use your beautiful creations in my tutorials
***** Plugins: Simple Diamonds
og 4 way Average *****
1. Open a new image 900x500 pixels - Transparent 2. Set the foreground color to # b3254d and the background color to #29162c Change the foreground color to gradient forground/background:
Flood Fill your image with the gradient
3. Adjust Blur Gaussian blur 15
4. Effects Plugins Simple Diamonds
5. Effects Plugins Simple 4 way Average
6. Effects Plugins Simple Diamonds
7. Effects Plugins Simple Diamonds
8. Effects Plugins Simple 4 way Average
9. Effects Edge Effects Enhance More
10. Layers - Duplicate
11. Effects Plugins Tramage Tow The Line
12. Layers - Duplicate Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal (Image - Mirror in older versions of PSP) Layers - Properties Opacity 50 Layers - Merge - Merge Down
13. Layers - Properties Opacity til 60 Layers - Merge - Merge Visible Edit - Copy
14. Layers New Raster Layer (Raster 1) Selections Tool - Custom Selection
These settings:
15. Change the foreground color to #ffffff (white) Flood Fill the selection with white color Selections Modify - Contract 3 Edit Cut (or press Delete on your keyboard) Selections - Select None Layers - Duplicate
16. Effects Image Effects Offset
Layers - Duplicate
17. Effects Image Effects - Offset Settings as before Layers - Merge - Merge Down - Repeat Merge Down
18. Selection Tool - Magic Wand with these settings:
Select inside the 3 squares
19. Layers New Raster Layer (Raster 2) Edit Paste into Selection Selections - Select None
20. Effects Plugins Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact - Glass Find the preset 'Clear'
Make sure the settings are like this under 'Basic'
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
21. Layers - Duplicate Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal (Image - Mirror in older versions of PSP) Layers - Merge - Merge Down
22. Layers - Duplicate Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical (Image - Flip in older versions of PSP) Layers - Merge - Merge Down
23. Effects 3D Effects Drop Shadow
24. Stε pε det nederste lag (Merged)
25. Open the tube Zoee_Believe_Deco_1 Edit Copy On your image Edit Paste as New Raster Layer (Raster 2) Layers - Properties Opacity 50
26. Open the tube: k@rine_ dreams _Misted_1707_Mai_2011 Edit Copy On your image Edit Paste as New Raster Layer (Raster 3) Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal (Image - Mirror in older versions of PSP) Effects Image Effects Offset like before but change the numbers to -40/45 Layers - Properties Opacity 55 and Blend Mode - Luminance
27. Activate the top layer (Raster 1)
28. Open the tube; Tube _k@rine_ dreams _Elfl_Beauty_2804_Fιvrier_2014 Edit Copy On your image Edit Paste as New Raster Layer Image Resize - 65% - Uncheck All Layers
29. Effects Image Effects Offset like before but change the numbers to 195/-35 Effects 3d Effects - Drop Shadow: 10/10/100/56 - color #000000 (Black)
30. Open the tube: Zoee_Believe_Text Edit Copy On your image Edit Paste as New Raster Layer Effects Image Effects Offset like before but change the numbers to: -235/-145 Layers - Properties Blend Mode - Luminance (Legacy)
31. Layers - Duplicate Image Resize - 50% - Uncheck All Layers Effects Image Effects Offset - Like before but change the numbers to: 410/230 Adjust Sharpness - Sharpen
32. Image Add Borders Symmetric - 1 pixel color #310713 33. Image Add Borders Symmetric - 10 pixel color #ffffff (White) 34. Image Add Borders Symmetric - 1 pixel color #310713 35. Image Add Borders Symmetric - 30 pixel color #ffffff (White)
Resize your
picture if you want You can contact me here Or you can share your version on my Facebook page Other versions here
My other versions. tubes from Animabelle
***** Thank you Casiop for testing my tutorial Casiops version
***** Thank you Animabelle for translating my tutorial to french Animabelles verison
***** Thank you Katalin for translating my tutorial to Hungarian Katalins version
***** Thank you Angela for translating my tutorial to Dutch Angelas version
© Zoee-Design